Monday, October 31, 2011


So it's finally here, the night that witch and warlock alike look forward to all year long! Tonight is Samhain Night! I want to take this moment to wish you all a Happy Samhain, Halloween, All Hallows Eve, Day of the Dead, or whatever version of the hallowed night you observe!
On that note my ritual for the evening has already ended, even though I am sure many of you have yet to even get started. I guess my problem with late night Samhain rituals is that I also like to celebrate the dead through actual celebrating, not just somber rememberances in the ritual chamber. And as with any good celebration alcohol is most definately if you plan to invoke Dionysus or another wine or merriment god/dess drunkeness (depending on intent) is often appropriate. Hell, depending on the circumstance it may even be insulting if you do not! But with that said I don't know many circles who see wine and merriment deities as appropriate attendees to Samhain rituals.

When I first started my Samhain planning in late August I thought that the direction I would take would be through the Black Supper of Cain. The supper is a monumental sacrament in my own version (and I suspect others) of Luciferian practice. It evokes the spirit of Cain. Not necessarily Cain himself...depending on ones personal beliefs Cain may be seen as a spirit too high in the demonic hierarchy to evoke, and I am certainly one of them. Cain is the Witch Father, and the first of Witchblood and such an evocation is usually reserved for lower level demonic spirits. I see Cain as an elder on the Crooked Path, and thus a higher level of respect is due. So in this case evoking the SPIRIT...that is the mind, spirit, and attributes, of Cain is more appropriate than attempting to evoke Cain himself. But the essence of the Black Supper is nontheless of a profound nature and only to be undertaken on the most high of days or occasions. This doesn't mean that they need to be necessarily POSITIVE per se (although they usually are) but merely of extreme importance. It consists of red meat cooked to medium, medium rare, or even rare. The idea here is to have red blood still present in the meat prepared symbolic of the blood of Abel, who is Cain's sacrifice to the path of Lucifer and in fact his own initiatory act before beginning his journey through the desert under the guidance of Lucifer/Samael to meet his mother, Lilith, at her cave in the wilderness. The beverage served is usually wine, beer, or whiskey depending on personal or group preference. This is seen as the elixer of life as it is called, with the intent of heightening the emotions and the passions of the working at hand. The point here is not to acheive drunkeness (although it is not prohibited under the correct circumstances as you will see) but to indulge in the pleasures of flesh and liberation. Besides the red meat and whatever elixer is chosen other foods may be served, and if it is being observed as an actual meal it is not only an option but a necessesity.
Aside from the logistics of the Black Supper the actual intent can take one of two forms, and as stated above it must be of the utmost importance. The first of the two forms is that of self-advancement. It usually takes the form of a death/rebirth ritual, wedding, funeral, birthing rite (the equivalent of a Wiccaning or christening in other traditions), or other such rite of passage. The second is less serious in nature but no less importance, which is that of an atmosphere of revelry and indulge. Simply SWEET ASS FUCKING PARTY with spiritual and religious aspects included. Indulgence in physical pleasures is indeed a hallmark of Luciferian practices and is thus an event worthy of the Black Supper of Cain. However, I feel it necessary to suggest that if you choose the later form of the supper you should take care to only observe it on major holidays such as Walpurgisnacht or Samhain (or any other sabbat or full moon). If you use it at anytime as an easy excuse for a good party then it tends to lose it's significance quite quickly!

Having said all of this it is not the way that this Samhain turned out for me. Samhain was actually quite strange for me up until the ritual, and even then I assume that most would probably consider it quite strange during it as well...then again who asked them? The Black Supper did not fact the ritual was rather spur of the moment. After forming the space it really just formulated itself from there and all plans were thrown out the window. The spirits of the dead were of course present, including those that I consider "members of my tribe" not necessarily relatives or even personal friends (although some were). Members of you tribe include those historical figures, noted people on your own spiritual path or one similar to it who have passed on, celebrities, authors etc. whom you may not have known personally but have nevertheless had a profound affect on your life or who you are as a person. Anton LaVey, the victims of the Salem Witch Trials/Burning Times, and Matthew Shepard were among the notables present with me this evening. This ritual also saw the demise of Raven Brimstone (my former aspect) and the birth of Ambrogio Notte (my present aspect). Granted I have been signing my last few blogs as Ambrogio it is this night that signifies his offical coming into being, as was always intended. The last few signatures we merely in the spirit not unlike an expecting mother who may sign a christmas card with her name, her husband's name, and that of her unborn child. Know that with this post it is the man in the flesh wishing you the darkest (and best) Samhain of your life! And while I'm at it here is one of my favorite Samhain songs...


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