Saturday, October 29, 2011

Suggestions for Samhain preparations and ritual

If any of you are like me you have a nasty habit of putting things off at the last minute. And if on October 29 you are still looking for suggestions for your Samhain gathering, you definitively suffer from the same condition. Having said that I do have many suggestions that I would like to share with you. The first is COFFIN DUST. What is coffin dust? It's a lovely Samhain incense (or anytime incense) used to evoke the energies of death, rebirth, and transformation. What could be better to have billowing from you censer on Samhain? The recipe I created myself, and here it is:

2 parts black arts powder/incense (if using powder be sure none of the ingredients are toxic!!)

2 parts ground clove

2 parts ground cinnamon

1 part ground sage

Combine all ingredients in a small bowl and then stir will a toothpick or even then end of a used incense stick if necessary, until well blended. When properly blended the resulting coffin dust should resembled dirt...what better look for a death incense? The resulting scent is surprisingly please for an incense of it's kind.
Besides it's use at Samhain, this is a great incense for all dark workings. Those practitioners of the black arts, Luciferianism, Dark Wicca, or gothic/nocturnal traditions will find this to be an excellent purification incense to cleanse the ritual chamber, altar, or temple.
In my own personal practice I often use this during the Dark God/Goddess Chant, which is precisely the "Witches Chant" by Inkkubbus Sukkubbus with the god/dess forms names changed. If you are unfamiliar with the Witches Chant you can find it here:

The names for the Dark God Chant are Iakchos, Anubis, Thanatos, Hades, Setesh, Anrga Mainyu, Nanna
The names for the Dark Goddess Chant are Lilith, Ereshkigal, Persephone, Hecate, Cerridwyn, Kali, Inanna

These names fit in quite easily with the rhythm of the Witches Chant, although emphasis on the sylables may need to be adjusted to fit the names that are used. They can be used for invocations, meditations, or simply as a devotional in your daily practice. My own personal suggestion is that even if you are not a dark-sided practitioner of the mystic arts that you at least use these names (or the names of other dark gods) during the period from Mabon (autmnal equinox) to Ostara (Vernal Equinox) in honor the the dark ones who rule during this time period.

The Samhain season, which I personally define as anytime after Mabon through November first is a time when for better or worse the gods of darkness, the dead, and in fact demons are at their peak. Many will run screaming when they hear the word demon, either for fear of the "evil" the bring or the idea that they have no place in witchcraft and only reside in fantasy or in the deulsions of bible thumpers. But keep in mind that many modern day demons where at one time pagan gods...not to mention the fact that like it or not they have been given a much more pleasing face as demons to the darker amongst us. It may be a hard pill to swallow, but in this case the Xians actually did us a favor. I'm not suggesting that you buy into the ridiculous doom and gloom given to these beings by the church, only that you relish the gloriously hideous faces that they gave them. It is also helpful to keep in mind that most of the attributes given to demons are that of magick, knowledge/divination, lust, weaponry, strength etc. Who in their right mind has a problem with any of this other than the knee-benders? So with all this in mind why not dedicate your Samhain proceedings and space to your favorite dark gods/demons? Of course they will be present at the ritual itself, but why not dedicate any actions you take during this season to them? To do so will allow these entities to get to know you and your nature, it will also cause them to view you in a better light. After all, especially in the case of demons, they do not look upon you with immediate benevolency. This is something that must be earned! It's not that they immediately look upon you with malice, but rather with utter indifference. The rewards of turning this tide in your favor can be quite astonishing and benefical to you.
In terms of sacrifice, this is a great way to place yourself in league with the dark ones, and the demonic spirits. But what do you sacrifice? This largely depends on to whom the sacrifice is made. Many different spirits have many different preferences. Demons are especially fond of blood and sexual fluid. They are also fond of incense which brings us back to the coffin dust...if blood and sexual fluid are not in your personal taste the coffin dust is a great subsitute, although I personally prefer blood. Now, before you think this nothing more than the ravings of a madman consider this...first of all, the blood in question shall be YOUR OWN, not that of an innocent animal or some poor young child you slaughter upon your altar! Let me be perfectly clear here so that there is not one of those silly misunderstandings that should have never taken place to begin with: THE BLOOD SHALL BE YOUR OWN, AND IT SHALL BE OF YOUR OWN PERSONAL WILL! NOTHING MORE AND NOTHING LESS! GOT IT? Sorry, I'm not yelling at you (which all caps often suggests) I am only making myself perfectly clear. You know how crazy some people can get the second you mention something as innocent as spilling human blood upon an altar! It is also aignificant to consider the amount of blood that will be used. This is approximately 5-6 drops, enough to be considerable and yet not overly gruesome. If you're a bleeder nothing more than a sterile lancet will be necessary. If not, then a parring knife or razor blade should suffice. It is important to keep in mind that you not cut anywhere that a major artery or vein is located. I find the heel of the palm to be a good location for this.
If you prefer sexual fluid to blood then there are a few different options for this sacrifice. You can acheive this through sexual intercourse obviously, as well as oral intercouse. The trick here is at the moment of climax you visualize the entity(ies) to whom you will the sacrifice to be made. The other option is to recite the name(s) of the entity either silently if you must be discreet, or verbally with intense passion if you have a sympathetic partner. The other option is this: You may acheive the sacrifice of sexual fluid through the visualization of sexually arousing images during masturbation so long as you are also able to keep in mind the intent of the working. This sort of metaphsyical multi-tasking can be difficult for some at first, but practice makes perfect. The worst that can happen is an an ecstatic how "aweful" that would be, right?Just remember that if you get lost in your passion and are unable to focus then that is all you have ecstatic orgasm.

In previous Samhain rituals I have honoring the victims of the Salem Witch Trials. While it is granted that most of the victims were nothing more than devote Puritan they (as well as other victims of the Burning Times) ultimately paved the way for repeal of anti-witchcraft laws in the 19th and 20th centuries. Whether we agree with their personal real life convictions or not it was ultimately benefical to us as witches and warlocks so it only seems polite and appropriate.

The bottom line is this...your Samhain ritual should focus on the dark gods, demons, deceased loved ones or individuals you have admired, as well as honoring the spirit of the earth in it's death throes. Anything that you personally associate with these things is perfectly acceptable. Personal aesthetic is very important and indeed paramount to the observation of ANY Samhain ritual. Be creative, and allow your personal energies and inclinations to guide you and you will have a memorable holiday!



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